Training on sustainable fishing techniques and harvesting of natural resources for fishing license holders and local communities visiting the reserve frequently
Training on sustainable fishing techniques and harvesting of natural resources for fishing license holders and local communities visiting the reserve frequently
18 Oct 2023

Bird Conservation Nepal completed a training program at Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, which brought together a diverse group of 129 participants, including fishing license holders and frequent visitors from the local community. This initiative aimed to foster sustainability in resource management, with a strong focus on sustainable fishing techniques and responsible harvesting of other natural resources.

Our accomplished trainers played a pivotal role in equipping participants with the knowledge and skills they need to make a positive impact in their local ecosystem. Mr. Ramesh Kumar Yadav, the Chief Conservation Officer of the reserve, shared his invaluable expertise, emphasizing the importance of responsible resource management. Mr. Khadananda Paudel, Senior Program Manager at Bird Conservation Nepal, delved into the overview and objective of the project funded by Darwin Initiatives. Mr. Birendra Gautam, the Program Officer of the National Trust for Nature Conservation at Koshi Conservation Center, led discussions on community engagement and the critical role local communities play in sustainable resource management.

Additionally, Mr. Aavas Pradhan facilitated insightful sessions on sustainable resource management, shedding light on the ecological impact of unsustainable practices. He emphasized the importance of adopting responsible resource management methods to ensure a harmonious coexistence between local communities and the environment. Mr. Sanjay Chaudhary shared expert knowledge on sustainable fishing techniques, including methods to reduce bycatch, protect fish habitats, and minimize the environmental impact of fishing. His practical training on proper catch handling and release techniques, coupled with group activities and quizzes, enhanced participants' understanding of responsible fishing practices.

The comprehensive training program addressed the interconnected aspects of sustainability, encouraging participants to adopt sustainable fishing practices, reduce their environmental footprint, and actively engage in the preservation of their natural environment. It fostered a deep understanding of sustainability principles and their practical application within the local context.

With participants hailing from different age groups and various professions, the program ensured that a wide cross-section of the community could benefit from this knowledge-sharing platform. The collective enthusiasm and active participation enriched the training environment, highlighting the community's commitment to sustainable practices.

This training initiative represents a significant step towards a more sustainable and harmonious coexistence with the environment. We look forward to seeing our participants implement the knowledge gained during the program in their local communities, furthering the cause of responsible resource management.